Tag Archives: nerves

aka the beach

‘Missing out’

and ‘getting left behind’ are supposed to be feelings inculcated in your loved ones by your departure to (hopefully sunnier) climes when you move abroad.  You’re off having the adventure of a lifetime and they’re stuck at home doing the same thing they were doing before you left, only with a new wound of your departure, and the salt of the tales of your adventures as you write home.  The traditional postcard note ‘wish you were here’ is supposed to denote that you’re having the time of your life and you wish they could be sharing it with you.  That’s what you tell yourself when you leave your loved ones behind anywho.

Alas that’s not really how it works.  And I just got my first major sting.

When you leave for an extended period of time and are consumed with all the adventures you’ll be having, you can forget that well, life will continue without you.  Continue reading

Six Tips for Coping With Being Billy/ie-No-Mates (for now)

It ain’t easy being the new kid in town.  I’ve done it a few times now though, and have a few key things I always try to do when I’m at settling in level 2.  You know, arrived, unpacked, started work/uni, and starting to get integrated into the community…

1) Smile at absolutely everyone all the time.  But not like a crackhead.  Continue reading